05.07.2015 – Mit seinem vierten Sieg in Folge übernahm Fabiano Caruana beim Dortmunder Sparkassen Chess-Meeting die alleinige Tabellenführung. Er besiegte Hou Yifan mit Weiß. Für den zweiten Sieg des Tages sorgte Ian Nepomniachtchi gegen Arkadij Naiditsch. Georg Meier und Wesley So spielten Remis, genau wie Liviu-Dieter Nisipeanu und Vladimir Kramnik. Mehr...
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Caruana, Fabiano 1-0 Hou Yifan
Hou Yifan brachte in einem Nimzo-Inder mit Schwarz in der Eröffnung ein Bauernopfer, um die Stellung zu vereinfachen. Das war vielleicht etwas optimistisch. Caruana nutzte seinen Materialvorteil, um mit einer Reihe von genauen Zügen einen Angriff zu inszenieren.
Fabiano Caruana kam zu seinem vierten Sieg in Folge.
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1.c4e62.Nc3d53.d4Bb44.a3Caruana is in an attacking mood today as he goes for the a3 variation in the Nimzo. One cannot really say that this is a Nimzo because the knight is still not on f6 and the pawn is on d5. But after a few moves it transposes into the Nimzo.Bxc3+5.bxc3Nf66.e3c6!?This line is not played very often. Just around 70 games in the database. But this is one of the favourite lines of Yu Yangyi and was also played by Hou Yifan against Lin in 2010. The main idea for Black is 0-0 and then follow it up with b6-Bb7 or Ba6.6...0-0is the main line and readers will recall the famous Botvinnik-Capablanca game that was played in AVRO 1938.7.cxd5exd58.Bd3c59.Ne2b610.0-0Ba6with a complex and interesting battle.7.a4!?A wise move by Caruana. Not only can he develop his bishop to a3 but a move like b6 can be met with a5 putting pressure on the black queenside.7.Bd3was nicely countered by Yu against Aleksandrov with the movee5!8.dxe5dxc49.Bxc4Qxd1+10.Kxd1Ng411.Ke1Nxe512.Be2Bf5When black had already equalised comfortably. 0-1 (91) Aleksandrov,A (2554)-Yu,Y (2675) Dubai 20147...0-08.Nf3b69.cxd5exd5This is a much better recapture than taking with the c-pawn because later Black can break with c6-c5.9...cxd5 optically looks much better but after10.Ba3Re811.Bb5Bd712.Bd3Nc613.0-0White is just better.10.Bd3Ba611.0-0c512.Ne5Re813.a5Bxd314.Nxd3Nc6?!An odd move by Hou Yifan. She could have comfortably developed her knight to d7 but instead she chooses this square in order to clarify the situation with regards to the a5 pawn.14...Nbd7=was very comfortable for Black.15.axb6axb616.Rxa8Qxa817.dxc5bxc518.Nxc5 Black has some compensation because the c1 bishop doesn't have a good square to go to but Hou Yifan has to play very accurately now.Ne5?!18...Ne4!?19.Nxe419.Qxd5?!Re5!20.Qxe4Rxe421.Nxe4Qa519...dxe420.c4Ne521.Qd4Qc622.Bb2Qxc423.Rc1Qxd424.Bxd4Nd3would have been the best way to play for Black.19.Nd3!A strong move in order to relocate the knight to f4 and put pressure on the d5 pawn.Nc420.Nf420.Nb4was also possible.20...h621.Qd4Re422.Qc5Re523.f3!Taking away the crucial e4 square from the rook so that the queen cannot be disturbed on d4.Qa224.Qd4This is a clear case of reaching maximum activity and seeing no real way to improve your already well placed pieces. Black has her pieces well stationed but what next?Qa425.h4!The logical plan now is to expand on the kingside. Look how the f3 pawn does a wonderful job of limiting the black pieces.Qb526.g4Hou Yifan would be under tremendous pressure here. She is a pawn down and unable to improve her position, while Caruana is slowly but steadily taking over.Nd727.Nd3Re628.Kg2Ndb6The knight has wandered away a little too far away to b6 from the kingside. Caruana now tries to attack the kingside and the weakest point i.e g7.29.Nf4Re530.Nh5The knight is so menacingly placed on h5 that Black will have to give up her rook for it. Threats include moves like f4 but maybe stronger is Nxg7 followed by f4.Qb131.e4!Hawk eyed Caruana does not let the opportunity slip by. He forces a black pawn to the e4 square so that later he can play f4 and there would be no Qe4+.31.f4?!Qe4+32.Kf2Qxd433.cxd4Re6gives black some hopes to defend the inferior endgame.31...dxe432.f4!Rxh5Black is forced to give up an exchange but she doesn't have enough compensation for it. The rest is really a matter of technique for Caruana as he quickly wraps up the game.33.gxh5Qc2+34.Kh1Qe235.Rg1Qf3+36.Rg2g637.hxg6Qf1+38.Kh2Qxc139.Qf6One could say that Hou Yifan's play was not up to the mark in this game but what I found amazing was Caruana playing extremely accurate chess. His manouevres of Nc5-d3-f4, and expansion on kingside with h4 followed by g4 and the central break e4 coupled with f4 were supremely high level concepts.1–0
Nepomniachtchi, Ian 1-0 Naiditsch, Arkadij
Ian Nepomniachtchi gelang ein klarer Positionssieg gegen Arkadij Naiditsch.
Mit diesem Sieg verließ Nepomniachtchi das Tabellenende.
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1.c4e62.Nc3d53.d4Nf6One of the main reasons why Black players have started playing Be7 before Nf6 is exactly the line that happened in this game where the knight is developed on e2.4.cxd5exd55.Bg5c66.Qc2Be77.e3Nbd78.Bd30-09.Nge2Re810.0-0h611.Bf4Nf812.a3a5preventing the intended expansion with b4.13.f3Nh514.Be5f615.Bg3Nxg316.Nxg3Bd617.Rae1Qc718.f4Be619.Nf5Bxf520.Bxf5Re721.h4!A powerful move by Nepomniachtchi in order to fix the kingside black pawns. This position reminds me of the 4th game of the match between Karpov-Kasparov where Karpov played a beautiful attack on the light squares and Kasparov who had a dark squared bishop could do nothing about it.Rae822.Rf3b523.h5b424.axb4Bxb425.Re2Qd626.Qd3Rd8Black is trying to break free in this position with the move c5.27.Na4c528.Nxc5Bxc529.dxc5Qxc530.Rc2!Now in addition to the weakend light squares, White also has the weak d5 pawn to attack. Also the bishop on f5 is clearly superior to the f8 knight. All in all this is a clear advantage to White.Qb631.Kh2Ne632.Rg3Kh833.Qa3Qb434.Qxb4axb4The queens are off the board, hence the danger of a kingside attack is averted for Black but he is still struggling with all these weak pawns in the endgame.35.Rc6Nc736.Rf3Nb537.Rc5Nc738.Bg638.Rf1 Activating the rook while the the c7 knight is defended by the e7 rook would have been a good idea.Na639.Ra5±38...Kg839.Rc6Kf840.b3Ne8?!40...Rb8defending the b4 pawn would have improved black chances for a draw quite drastically.41.Rb6Rc742.Rxb4White has won a pawn and kept complete control over the position.Nd643.Rf1Ke744.Rd1Rc545.Rb6Rb546.Rxb5Nxb547.Kg3Ke647...d448.Kf3±48.Kg4Nd649.e4!Just like in the Caruana game, Kramnik game and now in Nepomniachtchi game the move e4 was played when black had a pawn on d5! Quite a co-incidence!dxe450.Bxe4Rb851.Bd5+Kd752.Ra1With an active bishop, rook and an extra pawn it's all over for Black.f5+53.Kh3Ne854.Ra7+Nc755.Bc4Kd656.Ra5Rf857.Kg3Rf658.Kf3Kc659.g3Ne860.Re560.Ra6+Kc561.Rxf6Nxf6Would not be such a great idea as the h5 pawn hangs.60...Nd661.Bd3Rf762.b4Rb763.Rc5+Kd764.b5Ke665.Re5+Kf666.Ke3Ra767.Kd4Ra368.Bc4A pretty one sided affair. Naiditsch was never really able to equalise. Nepo pressed well and was able to take the full point home.68.Bc4Nxc469.Kxc4Rxg370.b6Rg171.b7Rc1+72.Kd5Rb173.Kc6+-1–0
Meier, Georg ½-½ So, Wesley
Georg Meier und Wesley So spielten eine Partie, die ohne große Aufregung Remis endete. In einem Slawen versuchte Meier, der mit Weiß spielte, das Läuferpaar zur Geltung zu bringen, aber wirkliche Gefahren drohten der schwarzen Stellung nie und So hatte keine Probleme, das Remis zu halten.
Wesley So liegt mit 3 aus 6 (zwei Siege, zwei Remis, zwei Niederlagen) bei genau 50 Prozent.
Kramnik, Vladimir ½-½ Nisipeanu, Liviu-Dieter
Vladimir Kramnik spielte mit Weiß gegen Tabellenführer Liviu-Dieter Nisipeanu energisch und hartnäckig auf Gewinn und kam dem ganzen Punkt auch sehr nahe, aber konnte dann seine Chancen im Turmendspiel nicht nutzen - Remis nach 83 Zügen.
Kramnik spielte lange und verbissen auf Gewinn, doch am Ende reichte es nur zum Remis - Kramniks erstes in diesem Turnier.
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Liviu Dieter Nisipeanu was leading the tournament with 3.5/5. But he had to face Kramnik in round six and Caruana in the final round. Not the easiest of opponents to maintain your lead against!1.Nf3d52.e3Kramnik continues his strategy of playing off-beat systems against players who are not the absolute elite.Nf63.c4e64.b3Usually Kramnik likes to play a doubled fianchetto system with his pawns on b3 and g3 but today he prefers to develop his light squared bishop on the f1-a6 diagonal because he has already played e3 on the second move.c55.Bb2Nc66.cxd5exd57.Bb5Bd6Nisipeanu plays in classical fashion, developing his pieces to the best possible squares.8.d4cxd49.Nxd40-010.0-010.Nxc6?!bxc611.Bxc6Bg4!12.f3Rc813.Ba4Qe7!14.0-014.Kf2Ne4+!15.Ke2Qg5-+14...Qxe3+15.Kh1Qh6!-+10.Bxc6bxc611.Nxc6Qc7!12.Nd4Ba6And Black has just ample compensation for the pawn as the white king cannot 0-0.10...Qc711.h3Bh2+12.Kh1Be513.Qc2Bd714.Nf3Bxb215.Qxb2Rac816.Rc1Qd617.Nc3Ne5?! I somehow find this move to be a little suspect. Nisipeanu tries to exchange pieces which is not a good idea when you have an isolated pawn.17...Rfe818.Rd1Bf5=would have been more in the spirit of the position.18.Be218.Nxe5might have been more accurate.Qxe519.Bxd7Nxd720.Rc2d4?21.exd4Qxd422.Rd1+-18...Nxf318...Ng6or Nc6 retaining more pieces was an option.19.Bxf3These are the type of technical positions that Kramnik loves to milk although they maybe objectively equal.Qe520.Qd2Be621.Nb5Bd721...Ne4!22.Bxe4dxe423.Nd423.Nxa7?Ra8-+23...Bd722.Qd4Qxd423.Nxd4a524.g4!Gaining space on the kingside and giving the g2 square for the king.h625.Kg2Rxc126.Rxc1Rc827.Rb1 Kramnik realises that he wont have enough resources to put pressure on Nisipeanu if he exchanges the rooks. Hence he decides to retain them.Ra828.Ne2!Blockading an isolated pawn is good but winning it is better. The knight decides to go to the c3 or f4 square in order to put pressure on d5.g529.Nc3Be630.Rd1Rd831.e4!Forcing the d5-pawn to advance.d432.Kg3!Kramnik makes use of every little opportunity to improve his position.32.Nb5d333.e5Nd5=And now White cannot take on d3 because of a check on f4. This little detail was noticed by Kramnik as he improved the positioning of his king from g2-g3.32...Rc833.Nb5Nd733...Rc2might have been better as after34.Nxd4Rxa235.Nxe6fxe636.Rd8+Kf737.Rb8Nd738.Rxb7Ke8White is a pawn up and better but his bishop is not so active because of the number of pawns standing on the same colour as itself.34.Nxd4Ne535.Be2Rc3+36.f3Kg737.Rd2Kf638.Nf5Bxf539.exf5Ke7 How shall we assess this position? White is a pawn up but the knight on e5 is pretty well placed there. After Black goes f6 and consolidates his knight it won't be easy to win but fortunately for Kramnik the a5 pawn is also undefended and he is able to exchange the minor pieces.40.Rd5!Nc641.Bb5b642.h4f643.Bxc6Eliminating the knight before it can settle down on e5.Rxc644.hxg5hxg545.a4Rc346.Rb5Rc6Mihail Marin in his excellent book "Learn from the legends" says that in such rook endings, every extra pawn counts for one point and better positioning of the rook counts for one. If you have two extra points then you can be confident about converting your position. Here, the white rook is definitely better placed than its counterpart which gives him one point. But the extra pawn is double and not so easy to create a passer. Hence you cannot really claim a full point for it. Maybe half. So White has 1.5 points. Objectively it may not be enough.47.f4Kramnik realises that the only way in which he can prove something here is if he creates a passer on the kingside.Rc3+48.Kf2gxf449.Rxb6Kf7Nisipeanu finds the g5 square to be the perfect home for his king.50.b450.Rb5Kg751.Rxa5Rxb352.Ra6Preventing Kh6.Ra353.a5Black's defensive task is very difficult here because he is almost in a zugzwang.Kf754.Ra7+Ke855.Ra8+!Kf756.a6Ra2+57.Kf3Ra458.a7Kg759.g5!fxg560.f6+Kf760...Kxf661.Rf8++-61.Rh8!+-50...Rc2+51.Kf3Rc3+52.Kf2Rc2+53.Ke1Rc1+54.Kd2f355.Ke355.Kxc1?f2And the pawn cannot be stopped.55...Rc3+56.Kf2axb457.Rxb4Kg758.Kg3?58.Rb8!?Rc458...Kh659.Rg8+-59.Ra8Rxg460.Kxf3Rg161.a5Rf1+62.Ke4Re1+63.Kd5Kh664.a6Ra1and it is unclear how White will make progress here.58...Ra359.Rb7+Kh660.Ra7f2+61.Kxf2Kg5Black has the perfect blockade and it's impossible to win from here.62.Ke2Kxg463.Ra5Kf464.Kd2Ke465.Kc2Kd466.Ra6Rc3+67.Kb2Rc468.Ra5Rb4+69.Ka3Kc470.Ra6Rb3+71.Ka2Rb472.Ra8Kc573.Ka3Rf474.Rb8Rf175.Rb5+Kc476.Kb2Rf2+77.Kb1Kc378.a5Kc479.Rb7Rxf580.a6Ra581.a7Kc582.Rf7Kb683.Kc2 Kramnik had his chances to convert his extra pawn. But in the rook endgame, he made some mistakes and Nisipeanu defended very well to take home a half point.½–½
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