Das Wissen, das Du jetzt brauchst!
Die neue Version 18 bietet völlig neue Möglichkeiten für Schachtraining und Analyse: Stilanalyse von Spielern, Suche nach strategischen Themen, Zugriff auf 6 Mrd. LiChess-Partien, Download von chess.com mit eingebauter API, Spielervorbereitung durch Abgleich mit LiChess-Partien, eingebaute Cloud-Engine u.v.m..
Welcome to a Computer-Games Minded
It is my pleasure to welcome you at the 7th Computer Olympiad in Maastricht, The
Netherlands. For the third time Maastricht acts as the host city for this
Olympiad, earlier it did so in 1991 and 2001. Then the Olympiad was organised in
the framework of the University’s 15th and 25th birthday. Now it is almost a
tradition for Maastricht since Culture, Games and Science are the essential
characteristics of the city. Again the Olympiad is held under the auspices of
the ICCA (International Computer Chess Association) and SIKS (School of
Information and Knowledge Systems).
The organisation committee is happy to offer you a programme consisting of a
Computer Olympiad with thirteen different tournaments, four demonstration games,
where humans meet computers, and an International Computer Games Workshop.
The thirteen different tournaments comprise the games: Amazons, Backgammon, Bao,
Bridge, Chess, Chinese Chess, Dots and Boxes, Draughts, 19x19 Go, 9x9 Go, Lines
of Action, RoShamBo and Shogi. The tournaments on Chess and Draughts are special
tournaments. In the Chess tournament the competition will be the 10th World
Computer Chess Championship (WCCC). The Guest of Honour of this Championship is
Eugène Nalimov, who is well-known for his chess endgame tablebases. In the
Draughts tournament the title Open Draughts World Champion 2002 is at stake.
The demonstration games will show the strength of the current top programs on
Scrabble, Bao, Bridge, and Amazons. The RoShamBo tournament (Rock, Paper,
Scissors) is special too, since it is not worldwide, but only meant for students
of Artificial Intelligence in The Netherlands and Belgium.
We are pleased that International Chess Master Hans Böhm is willing to comment
on the games, to provide insights into the games’ backgrounds and to inform us
on the strategies the participants follow to arrive at the best results in the
The workshop on Computer Games offers a programme consisting of three Invited
Lectures on general topics and eleven game-specific lectures. The three invited
speakers are: E. Nalimov, M.Sc (USA, on Chess endgames), Dr. B. Sheppard (USA,
on Scrabble), and Prof.dr. J. Schaeffer (Canada, on Games in general). The
workshop is organised by Dr. J.W.H.M. Uiterwijk. A separate IKAT report contains
the extended abstracts and full papers.
Moreover, we would like to acknowledge that the participants come from all over
the world: Japan, Taiwan, USA, Canada, New Zealand, Israel, and many countries
of Europe. This supports the claim that Computer Games can bow on a truly
international recognition.
Of course, we are grateful for the support of our sponsors. The sponsors are
listed on the second page of this booklet: NWO, SIKS, BNVKI, ENCI, De Regenboog
Sittard, Stichting Kroegenbridge Maastricht, A. van Bellen, Nederlandse Scrabble
Bond, Purple Software Ltd., Faculty of General Sciences (Universiteit
Maastricht), IKAT, Gemeente Maastricht, SGI, SARA, NCF, SUN Microsystems
Nederland BV and Verenigd Schaakgenootschap Maastricht.
Finally, I wish all attendees an exciting Olympiad, much pleasure during the
demonstration games, and an inspiring workshop. I hope that all three events
will be scientifically a great success and that they may strengthen the ties
between Culture, Games, and Science, and the Maastricht community.
Jaap van den Herik
Tournament Director
Participants Chess (Teilnehmerliste)
A. Ban | JUNIOR | Israel | Micro-Wch 1997, 2001 |
M. Borgstaedt | GOLIATH | Germany | |
E. Castillo | CHINITO 2.1 | Spain | |
R. Coulom | THE CRAZY BISHOP | France | |
V. Diepeveen | DIEP | Netherlands | |
M. Giepmans | SPIDERGIRL | Netherlands | |
R. Huber | PARSOS | Germany | |
G. Isenberg | ISICHESS X | Germany | |
M. Kolss | IKARUS | Germany | |
J. Kominek | SHARKY | USA | |
A. Kure | BRUTUS | Germany | |
P. McKenzie | WARP | New Zealand | |
T. Türke | COMET | Germany | |
S. Meyer-Kahlen | SHREDDER | Germany | Wch 1999, Micro Wch 1996, 1999, 2000 (Single) |
F. Morsch | QUEST | Netherlands | Wch 1995 |
G-C. Pascutto | SJENG | Belgium | |
C. Roberson | NOONIANCHESS | USA | |
J. Robertson | INSOMNIAC | USA | |
T. Werten | XINIX | Netherlands | |
A. Willliams | POSTMODERNIST | UK |
Friday July 5, 2002
15.00-16.00 h: Press Conference in the meetingroom, Kapoenstraat 23, with Hans
Böhm (Chair), Brian Sheppard (Scrabble), Jonathan Schaeffer (General Games),
Jaap van den Herik (General Affairs), Kasper Boon (University)
16.30-18.00 h: City Hall, Maastricht
Official Opening by Mr. J. Jacobs,
Alderman of Maastricht
Saturday July 6, 2002
09.00–12.00 h: Venue open for installation PCs
Registration Olympiad
10.00-18.00 h: Draughts, Bridge
12.30–13.30 h: Players Meeting (Chess) with the Tournament Director
13.45-19.15 h: Shogi, LOA
14.00–19.00 h: Chess (Round 1)
15.00-16.30 h: Demonstration Game: Scrabble (B. Sheppard)
18.00 h: Press briefing: Hans Böhm
20.00–23.00 h: Workshop on Computer Games
Chair Dr. Jos Uiterwijk
FdAW, Tongersestraat 6, 0.002
Sunday July 7, 2002
09.00 h: Venue open
10.00-18.00 h: Draughts and Prize Ceremony
10.00–15.00 h: Chess (Round 2)
10.00-21.00 h: 9x9 Go, 19x19 Go, Amazons, Backgammon, Bao, Bridge, Dots and
Boxes, Draughts, Chinese Chess, LOA, Shogi
12.00-16.00h: Bridge: Humans against Computers (H. Kuijff)
14.00 h: Prize Ceremony RoShambo
15.00- 17.30 h: Demonstration Game: Bao (J. Donkers)
16.00–21.00 h: Chess (Round 3)
18.00 h: Press briefing: Hans Böhm
20.00–23.00 h: Workshop on Computer Games
Chair Dr. Jos Uiterwijk
FdAW, Tongersestraat 6, 0.002
Monday July 8, 2002
09.00 h: Venue open
10.00–15.00 h: Chess (Round 4)
10.00-21.00 h: 9x9 Go, 19x19 Go, Amazons, Backgammon, Bao, Bridge, Chinese
Chess, Dots and Boxes, LOA, Shogi
16.00–21.00 h: Chess (Round 5)
18.00 h: Press briefing
20.00–23.00 h: Workshop on Computer Games
Chair Dr. Jos Uiterwijk
FdAW, Tongersestraat 6, 0.002, Maastricht
Tuesday July 9, 2002
09.00 h: Venue open
10.00–15.00 h: Chess (Round 5)
10.00-21.00 h: 9x9 Go, 19x19 Go, Amazons, Backgammon, Bao, Chinese Chess, Dots
and Boxes, LOA, Shogi
16.00–21.00 h: Speed Chess Tournament
18.00 h: Press briefing
Wednesday July 10, 2002
09.00 h: Venue open
10.00–15.00 h: Chess (Round 7)
10.00-21.00 h: 9x9 Go, 19x19 Go, Amazons, Backgammon, Bao, Chinese Chess, Dots
and Boxes, LOA, Shogi
Play-off Dots and Boxes (if needed)
15.00-17.30 h: Demonstration Game: Amazons (I. Althöfer)
16.00–21.00 h: Chess (Round 8)
18.00 h: Press briefing
21.00-22.30 h: ICCA Triennial Meeting, Tongersestraat 6, 0.002
Thursday July 11, 2002
09.00 h: Venue open
10.00–15.00 h: Chess (Round 9)
10.00–17.00 h: 9x9 Go, 19x19 Go, Amazons, LOA
Play-offs (if needed)
16.00–21.00 h: Play-offs Chess (if needed)
18.00 h: Press briefing
Awards and Closing
19.00 h: Participants Dinner
Restaurant De 4 Azen, Helmstraat 8