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"Decision of the Ethics
Commission on the complaint of the German Chess Federation against IM Miroslav
The Ethics Commission received a complaint from the German Chess Federation
against IM Miroslav Shvarts concerning a GM norm he said he received in the Kali
Cup GM tournament held in Mindzentkalla Hungary in February 2004. This was a
double round robin event. As this was IM Shvarts 3rd GM norm, he notified the
German Chess Federation that he was applying for the GM title.
The ratings officer of the German Federation, Mr. Christian Krause, became
suspicious of the GM norm Mr. Shvarts received in Kali. Mr. Krause then notified
the Hungarian Chess Federation (HCF) of his suspicions, and the Hungarians duly
conducted an investigation. Quoting from a letter sent by the HCF to FIDE can
best summarize the results of the investigation:
Departmental investigation of these cases started immediately, which resulted as
follows: Tournament indicated by you named Kali Cup GM 2004 was a complete fraud
Such an event did not take place. Disciplinary Committee elected by the GA of
HCF has taken the following disciplinary measures. IM Istvandi, Lajos organizer
of the event in question has been forbidden to organize arbitrate and to
participate in all chess events for two years. IA Fazekas, Gyorgy who
contributed creating the report for the request of the organizer has been
forbidden to arbitrate at any chess event for one and a half years.
As can be seen, according to
the HCF investigation, the Kali cup never took place. Therefore the Ethics
Commission has decided to apply sanctions against all the participants in the
tournament not just Mr. Shvarts. An exception has been made for GM Nikolac, who
has consistently maintained that he never participated in the tournament, and
was seen in Germany during the time that tournament was supposed to have been
played. “The following penalties will be assessed.
One-year suspension from tournament play beginning March 1, 2006:
IM Vadim Eschenko (Ukraine)
IM Timofey Galinsky (Ukraine)
GM Mato Damjanovic (Croatia)
GM Attila Czebe (Hungary)
Two and a half years suspension from tournament play beginning March 1, 2006:
IM Miroslav Shvarts
“The Ethics Commission feels that Mr. Shvarts deserves a harsher penalty than
the other players for the following reasons:
1. Mr. Shvarts was the primary beneficiary of the tournament, receiving his
third and final GM norm.
2. Mr. Shvarts statements about his involvement in this tournament were
misleading. For instance in a letter to FIDE dated August 18th 2004 Mr.
Shvarts stated, In February 2004 I achieved a GM norm at this tournament (Kali
Cup) The title certificate signed by the arbiter, Mr. G. Fazekas, and by Mr.
Zoltan Ambrus of the Hungarian Chess Federation.
3. At a special hearing held by the Ethics Commission at last year's FIDE
Congress in Dresden Mr. Shvarts stated that he now realized the Kali tournament
was fraudulent, but did not realize it at the time of the event. The Commission
found his testimony unconvincing.
4. Mr. Shvarts was president of the regional chess federation in the Federal
Republic of Saxony, in Germany. In such a position, he should set a better
example for the local players.
Two and a half years suspension from
arbiting or organizing tournaments. IM Lajos Istvan IM Gyorgy Fazekas
The Commission is of the opinion
that the seriousness of their offences warrants a harsher punishment for the
organizer and arbiter than that imposed by the Hungarian Chess Federation.
FIDE Ethics Commission"
(Quelle: Chess today)