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Die neue Version 18 bietet völlig neue Möglichkeiten für Schachtraining und Analyse: Stilanalyse von Spielern, Suche nach strategischen Themen, Zugriff auf 6 Mrd. LiChess-Partien, Download von chess.com mit eingebauter API, Spielervorbereitung durch Abgleich mit LiChess-Partien, eingebaute Cloud-Engine u.v.m..
Auch das Schach hat "seinen Tag". Alljährlich wird am 20. Juli der "Internationale Tag des Schachs gefeiert". Mit dem Datum wird an den Gründungstag des Weltschachbundes erinnert, der am Rande der Olympischen Spiele von 1924 in Paris am 20. Juli des Jahres als Fédération Internationale des Échecs (FIDE) dort gegründet wurde. Der Anstoß, dieses Datum als "Internationalen Tag des Schachs" zu feiern, kam seinerzeit von der UNESCO. Die FIDE nahm den Vorschlag an und zelebriert seit 1966 alljährlich den 20. Juli als "Internationalen Tag des Schachs.", so auch am vergangenen Samstag.
David Llada, FIDE-Referent für Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, wandte sich mit einem Rundschreiben an alle Schachfreunde und forderte sie auf, mit Tweets zum Schach einen "Tweetstorm" zu entfachen. Viele Schachfreunde kamen dieser Aufforderung nach.
Hier folgt eine kleine Auswahl an Tweets zum Tag des Schachs:
Chess was my life from a very young age. It meant opportunity, competition, hard work, and joy. On #InternationalChessDay, what does chess mean to you?
— Garry Kasparov (@Kasparov63) July 20, 2019
For #InternationalChessDay - 3 World Champions. Standing (centre & right) - Anatoly Karpov (USSR) and Vassily Smyslov (USSR); seated - Max Euwe (Netherlands). Photographed at Schiphol Airport, 21st September 1977. (Photo source: https://t.co/0JPxN6fCll.) #chess pic.twitter.com/cAiqIkz4Y7
— Douglas Griffin (@dgriffinchess) July 20, 2018
I play chess because contrary to real life, On the chessboard, lies and hypocrisy do not survive long. The creative combination lays bare the presumption of a lie; the merciless fact, culminating in the checkmate, contradicts the hypocrite.
— Waleed (@WSK207) July 20, 2019
PC: @chesscom #InternationalChessDay pic.twitter.com/vAYg4z17fT
#InternationalChessDay The whole world connects over the chessboard. It has given me the opportunity to hang out with these guys: pic.twitter.com/YtXB5f3GHq
— Daniel King (@DanielKingChess) July 20, 2019
Happy #InternationalChessDay pic.twitter.com/ApHTXgDC3Y
— Lippo (@Lippo_kratis) July 20, 2019
Happy #InternationalChessDay!#TeamMagnus pic.twitter.com/aid7tlS3q1
— Play Magnus (@PlayMagnus) July 20, 2019
Happy #InternationalChessDay . An old favourite. That was how we learnt chess in my youth. Reading magazines. The best gift today. The 64 GM’s in India. Happy Chess day India pic.twitter.com/0YJn9FBWe8
— Viswanathan Anand (@vishy64theking) July 20, 2019
Look who decided to celebrate #InternationalChessDay @ChessKidcom pic.twitter.com/cfeGPgn3u4
— Viswanathan Anand (@vishy64theking) July 20, 2019
28 years ago!#internationalchessday#chessisageless pic.twitter.com/M3SQth5lkw
— Levon Aronian (@LevAronian) July 20, 2019
46 years ago, I accidentally found some chess pieces in the closet. That was the day that forever changed my life as I fell in love with chess immediately & able to share my love with countless people around the world for 5 decades! #InternationalChessDay @FIDE_chess @USChess♟️🌍 pic.twitter.com/8hm2VhebKh
— Susan Polgar (@SusanPolgar) July 20, 2019
#ChessConnectsUs #InternationalChessDay #ChessIsCool pic.twitter.com/u6gYQ7BB3L
— Judit Polgar (@GMJuditPolgar) July 20, 2019
Chess is where I met my wife.#InternationalChessDay pic.twitter.com/PbrNL6rDej
— Peter Heine Nielsen (@PHChess) July 20, 2019
Never give up. This was 2015, started World Youth U-12 as 28th seed, elo of 2096 and a loss in the 3rd rd. Scored 7/8 after that. Wins vs top 2 seeds Nodirbek (2432) and Awonder (2365), draw vs 3rd seed Firouzja (2364). Silver on tiebreak. #akshayakalpa #InternationalChessDay pic.twitter.com/1ZbiHHlkM1
— Nihal Sarin (@NihalSarin) July 20, 2019
Today, July 20 is #InternationalChessDay. My father taught me chess when I was about 6 years old. I've loved it ever since. In 1972 I played in my first Olympiad-7 months pregnant and on the men's team. pic.twitter.com/BvecJqYodL
— Susan Grumer (@SusanGrumer) July 20, 2019
My brother, Bent, and I getting autographs from Mikhail Tal and Rafael Vaganian in Naestved 1985 #chess #InternationalChessDay pic.twitter.com/4q3SzeeTIg
— Carsten Hansen (@CazHansen) July 20, 2019
Movie with chess - #InternationalChessDay
— Stephanie Kay (@StephanieKay_00) July 20, 2019
LOLITA (1962)
Its inclusion in 2001 is more obvious but there's a creepy, symbolic scene here too. (And Humbert takes the queen).
20 #Stonegasmoviechallenge2019 pic.twitter.com/AirOc2OjMX
Mama is less than pleased to see Qxf2 on the board @acklibrary #InternationalChessDay pic.twitter.com/t1pwNP4tDM
— Jed (@jedediyah) July 20, 2019
Thomas Jefferson's chess set on display at Monticello. #InternationalChessDay pic.twitter.com/HFaUMOug7k
— Joe Walker (@joe_p_walker) July 21, 2019
For #InternationalChessDay here's one of my earliest chess photos, taken at Islington, December 1981. The player sat on the right of stage is the brilliant 17-year-old Ian Duncan Wells who tragically died only a month later after representing England in a tournament in Brazil pic.twitter.com/VgGm7DFb6e
— John Saunders (@johnchess) July 20, 2019
Happy International Chess Day! Congratulations! https://t.co/pNP09JZltv #InternationalChessDay pic.twitter.com/6ceFocuie6
— RCF (@ruchess_eng) July 20, 2019
Happy #InternationalChessDay
— be•wilder (@bewildertheatre) July 20, 2019
Ancient Greek heroes play Petteia
On a black-figure amphora by Exekias, the Greek heroes Achilles and Ajax are shown playing a game to while away the hours at Troy. #Chess
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♙♙♙♙♙♙♙♙♖ ♘ ♗ ♕ ♔ ♗ ♘ ♖ pic.twitter.com/kLYsiiRU6d
Happy #InternationalChessDay
— Sarang Bhalerao (@bhaleraosarang) July 20, 2019
Viswanathan Anand became India’s first Grandmaster was in 1987.
India now has 64 Grandmasters — the latest being 15-year-old Prithu Gupta.
Nice illustration on Chessbase India highlighting a chess board with 64 Indian GMs
PC: @ChessbaseIndia pic.twitter.com/pDrxfUmaam
In 1990 my father met Mikhail Tal in Moscow Airport and asked for an autograph! The only paper available in his pockets was an envelope! Tal signed under the photo of the cat and since then this envelope is a precious relic in our house!
— Suren (@surenaghabek) July 20, 2019
On #InternationalChessDay pic.twitter.com/MW61tHbfCu
"It's obvious isn't it?' said Ron 'We've got to play our way across the room." Philosophers stone♟#InternationalChessDay pic.twitter.com/fiYYTPlrOF
— HUGE POTTERHEAD (@1potterheadHP) July 20, 2019
#Chess has been brilliant to me both personally and professionally, and l have also had the honor of working with some of the all-time greats! #InternationalChessDay pic.twitter.com/ztQnuZwdE8
— John Fernandez (@jfernandez) July 20, 2019
89 years ago, in July 1930, #TeamPoland🇵🇱 won the Hamburg Olympiad.
— Lukasz Turlej (@lukaszturlej) July 20, 2019
Happy #InternationalChessDay! #Szachy #FIDETURNS95 pic.twitter.com/wtM2J20xbc
TOMORROW: It's International Chess Day. #InternationalChessDay pic.twitter.com/gSU7n6QrxF
— Soonfeed Create (@SoonfeedLIVE) July 19, 2019
Happy #InternationalChessDay! Practice honing your skills with this late 14th century Book of Chess Problems, in our collection: https://t.co/cf5EvYjNMh pic.twitter.com/dqc7DyayU6
— J. Paul Getty Museum (@GettyMuseum) July 20, 2018
For #InternationalChessDay, an engraving from 'A Game at Chæss' (1624), a play by Thomas Middleton. pic.twitter.com/PUcMkSfzDw
— The British Library (@britishlibrary) July 20, 2016
See six of the Lewis Chessmen on long-term loan at the newly built @MuseumnanEilean! #InternationalChessDay pic.twitter.com/g6CHNhBEK3
— British Museum (@britishmuseum) July 20, 2016
It's #InternationalChessDay! Are you ready to http://t.co/HJZC2qOVqV? pic.twitter.com/WLqcmJvtLn
— Red Bull India (@redbullindia) July 20, 2015