ACP protestiert gegen Verhalten von Danailov

von ChessBase
02.10.2006 – Die Spielervereinigung ACP hat sich in einer Presseerklärung gegen das Verhalten von Topalovs Manager Danailov ausgesprochen. Ungeachtet einer Bewertung der Vorgänge im Einzelnen, sei der Stil von Danailovs Schreiben, das er als Stellungnahme nach dem Urteil des Appellations-Komitees veröffentlicht habe und in dem er ankündigte, Topalov werde bei Fortsetzung des Wettkampfes Kramnik nicht mehr die Hand geben, beleidigend. Zur ACP...Presseerklärung...

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ACP Statement on Topalov-Kramnik Unification Match crisis

The situation arisen in the Topalov-Kramnik Unification Match brings a lot of damage to the image of chess. The Association of Chess Professionals will thoroughly analyse all the facts and express our opinion on the whole matter soon, but even right now we want to clearly stand that we find the letter written by Silvio Danailov, Manager to Veselin Topalov, on the 28th of September 2006 disgraceful. Especially a sentence "If the match were to continue, the World Champion would refrain from shaking hands with Mr. Kramnik before the games" is unacceptable. It is abusive, contradictive with the FIDE motto "Gens una sumus", moreover, Mr Danailov not only accussed Mr Kramnik of cheating, without showing any serious evidence, but already found him guilty, prior to any investigation.

As the purpose of the ACP, as described by the Article 2 of the ACP Statutes, is "the protection of professional chess players' rights, the practice and promotion of chess worldwide", we strongly protest against behaviour of Mr Silvio Danailov, Manager to Veselin Topalov, and expect him to officially apologise to Mr Kramnik. Otherwise, we believe that the case should be carefully investigated by the FIDE Ethics Commission and proper measures taken to avoid such situations in the future.

Best regards
ACP Board
1st of October 2006




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