ACP-Tour: Aktueller Stand

von ChessBase
18.04.2005 – Einmal im Monat aktualisiert die ACP (Association of Chess Professionals) den Stand in ihrer ACP-Tour, einer Rangliste, die anders als die Eloliste nach den Turnierergebnissen ausgewertet wird. Bei dieser Auswertung werden nur Spieler berücksichtigt, die auch Mitglied in der ACP sind. Zur Auswertung im vergangenen Monat kamen die Open in Athen, Foxwwod und das Deizisau, sowie das Amberturnier in Monaco. Anand führt weiter die Liste ungefährdet an. Auf den Plätzen folgen Leko, Gelfand und Kramnik. Zur ACP-Seite...ACP-Tour Report (engl.)...

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ACP Tour Report - March 2005 

Four tournaments were taken into account during the last ACP Tour period but no major changes occured in the standings. Thanks to the Amber Rapid Tournament most leaders managed to slightly improve their position. But although Vishy Anand won the event, this will not help him much. Indeed, the 165 points he received in Monaco represent his sixth best result in the ACP Tour 2004-2005! It goes without saying that many players would be proud to have this as best score! But it is stipulated in the Rules that only the best five performances will be counted in the final standings.


Top-10 list on April 15th:
1.   Anand     1598
2.   Leko      1196
3.   Gelfand    916
4.   Kramnik    839
5.   Morozevich 709
6.   Bacrot     612
7.   Amonatov   600
8.   Grischuk   567
9.   Bologan    545
10.  Short      510


Last month's most successful player was certainly Vugar Gashimov, who convincingly won the Acropolis Open in Athens. The 400 points he earned make him appear on place 12 of the standings. Boris Avrukh, now 11th, also improved his chances by winning 65 points in Athens.

The strong opens in Foxwoods and Deizisau (Neckar-Open) had little impact on the standings, as their winners are not ACP members. Nevertheless, we would like to congratulate Hikaru Nakamura, as well as Mikhail Gurevich, Christoph Renner and Robert Kempinski for their victory.

The coming month will see three events of the ACP Tour take place. The closed tournament in Dos Hermanas, the open in Dubai as well as the rapid Grand Prix of Bordeaux.

The ACP Board






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