ACP Tour:Anand weiter vorne

von ChessBase
20.05.2005 – Die ACP (Association of Chess Professionals) führt eine alternative Weltrangliste bei der nach dem Vorbild der Weltrangliste im Tennis nicht die einzelnen Partien, sondern die Turnierplatzierungen gewertet werden. Die Rangliste soll jährlich neu gestartet werden, um ein möglichst aktuelles Bild der Situation im Spitzenschach zu vermitteln. Allerdings werden nur die Platzierungen von Mitgliedern der Spielervereinigung ausgewertet. Zuletzt fanden u.a. das stark besetzte Open in Dubai und das Rundenturnier von Dos Hermans ihren Niederschlag in der Liste. An der Spitze liegt Anand weiter vor Leko, Gelfand und Kramnik . Zur ACP...Pressemitteilung der ACP...

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Pressemitteilung der ACP

The last period was a relatively quiet one, as only three events were taken into account in the ACP Tour. As a matter of fact, nothing really changed in the standings.

Amongst ACP members, only Teimour Radjabov scored a big jump thanks to his win in Dos Hermanas. He now appears on place 11 with 452 points and still trails 8th placed Alexander Grischuk by 115 points.

1 Anand          1598 
2 Leko           1196 
3 Gelfand         916 
4 Kramnik         839 
5 Morozevich      709 
6 Bacrot          612 
7 Amonatov        600 
8 Grischuk        567
9 Bologan         545 
10 Short          510

The very strong 7th Dubai Open International Chess Championship was won by 16-year-old Wang Hao. This untitled Chinese player created one of the greatest sensations of the last years. His ten followers all received 96 ACP points for their efforts.

The third tournament registered is the Grand Prix d'Echecs de Bordeaux. Unfortunately, this event turned out to be weaker than previously expected. But both finalists Anatoly Karpov and Hisham Hamdouchi made it up by producing a very tense struggle which was finally won by the former World Champion. May will be full of interesting tournaments. We deeply regret the decision of the organizing comitee of the Super GM Tournament in Sofia not to enter the ACP Tour. The participants will, thus, only be awarded half the points they would have received under normal circumstances.

American opens specialists will have the opportunity of upsetting the standings, as three tournaments will be registered in the next list: the strong HB Global Chess Challenge in Minneapolis, the CCA International & NY State Open in Lake George and the open in Chicago. The Bosna closed tournament in Sarajevo will probably join the ACP Tour as well, as we are still waiting for the organizer's final decision. Finally, the strong rapid tournament of Livry-Gargan near Paris will complete the period.

The ACP Board




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