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Am Rande des Mitropa Cups in Prag traf sich das Präsidium der ECU am 24. und 25. Juni zur einer Sitzung, auf der eine Reihe von Tagesordnungspunkten durchgearbeitet wurden. Unter anderem wurde festgelegt, welche Verbände die kommenden ECU-Turniere ausrichten werden. So wird der Deutsche Schachbund 2018 in Bad Blankeburg die noch jungen Europa-Jugendmannschaftsmeisterschaften durchführen.
Der wichtigste Punkt der Sitzung war jedoch die Behandlung der Vorgänge um die Firma "ECU LLC", die im Offshore-Gebiet Delaware registriert ist. Diese hat bis 2014 verschiedene Geschäfte getätigt und Rechnungen ausgestellt und dabei den Anschein erweckt, als "European Chess Union" zu handeln, war in Wirklichkeit jedoch eine Privatfirma gleichen Namens. Etwa 1,5 Mio. Euro sollen auf diesem Wege veruntreut worden sein.
Die Vorgänge wurden vor den Wahlen zum ECU-Präsidium 2014 bekannt und später auch vom bulgarischen Großmeister Kiril Georgiev und einigen bulgarischen Schachfreunden öffentlich gemacht. Der bulgarische Schachverband sperrte darauf hin diese Schachspieler noch während der laufenden bulgarischen Mannschaftsmeisterschaften.
Präsident der ECU bis 2014, dann abgewählt, war Silvio Danailov, der dem Bulgarischen Schachverband als Präsident weiter vorsteht. Die ECU vermisst eine Reihe von Unterlagen aus der Amtszeit des bulgarischen Verbandspräsidenten und fordert den bulgarischen Verband auf, diese vorzulegen. Das ECU-Präsidium wird der Generalversammlung, im September in Baku vorschlagen, den bulgarischen Schachverband aus der ECU auszuschließen. Unabhängig davon wurde der Vorgang Interpol und dem FBI zu Anzeige gebracht.
The ECU Board informed about the legal matters and especially the decisions taken in the ECU General Assembly on 10 October 2015 in Bar and the ECU Board meeting, on 2nd and 3rd March in Lviv Ukraine. - ECU with a letter from 6 April 2016, based in the ECU Statutes, asked the Bulgarian Chess Federation to provide a number of documents (contracts, invoices) that were allegedly issued by the ECU, but are not available in ECU files and books. Additionally, the ECU asked from the Bulgarian Chess Federation to provide a list of payments to the ECU for the years 2011-2014. Bulgarian Chess Federation with its answer on 19.04.2016 failed to provide all these documents and the list of payments to ECU. - Bulgarian Financial Investigation Agency, after the ECU request, in May 2016 officially provided to the ECU three investigation reports connected with the European Championships and two Open Chess tournaments held in Bulgaria from 2011 to 2014. - The last of these reports dated 16.02.2016 took into consideration the ECU position after the official request for contribution sent by the Bulgarian authorities. - The reports confirm that hundreds thousands of euros transferred in the name of the European Chess Union to the unknown bank account in Slovenia belong to an offshore company under the name ECU Delaware LLC. All these huge transactions are not reported to the ECU accounts, auditors and General Assemblies and were obviously never delivered by the European Chess Union. - Until today, the Bulgarian Chess Federation have provided to the Bulgarian Investigation Financial Agency a number of documents as ECU invoices, contracts, and letters, even bank certificates, which are unknown to the ECU. Bulgarian Investigation authorities have not accepted the majority of these documents as authentic. Based in these reports and the decisions in the ECU GA 2015 in Bar and ECU Board meeting on 2nd and 3rd March in Lviv the ECU Board decided: 1. The investigation reports and the letters dated 06.04.2016 and 19.04.2016 are forwarded to the ECU General Assembly 2016 in Baku, Azerbaijan with the proposal of suspension of the Bulgarian Chess Federation membership. Bulgarian Chess Federation has the right for written and oral explanations before any decision. 2. The whole case is already sent to the FIDE General Assembly 2016 Agenda for information and decisions. Independently of the administration procedures, the ECU will follow closely the investigations running till now in Bulgaria, Montenegro, Interpol & FIDE Ethics Commission, and according to the advice of the ECU legal advisers regarding the financial and moral damage to the ECU, may proceed to a criminal complaint to Swiss authorities against any responsible individual. The FBI office in the US Embassy in Switzerland has already contacted and informed about the operation of the shadow company “ECU LLC Delaware” within the USA territory. The European Chess Union also testified to Interpol after invitation received in Switzerland. Moreover, the matter may concern the investigation services in several countries, since there are other European Federations or/and players who were forced to transfer money in “chess” offshores companies with the same address in Delaware. Additionally, after the decision in GA in Bar, Montenegro and the material available today, the ECU will give a press conference, on a pre-announced date, informing the international press about all findings through the official investigations in Montenegro and Bulgaria. The matter is very serious not only for the chess world but for the whole sports family. |