Elista: Entscheidung des Appeals Committee

von ChessBase
29.09.2006 – Das Wettkampf-Schiedsgericht in Elista hat gestern noch über den Protest und das mit diesem verbundene Ultimatum von Topalovs Team entschieden. Topalov hatte sich über den häufigen Besuch von Kramnik auf der Toilette beklagt. Das dreiköpfige Appeals Committee (Asmaiparashvili, Makropoulos, Vega) entschied, dass beide Spieler nun die gleiche Toilette aufsuchen sollen. Die Entscheidung war mit einer Gebührennote in Höhe von 5000 Dollar verbunden. Zur FIDE...Mehr...

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World Championship Match Appeals Committee Decision on the Appeal of Mr. Danailov

FIDE is publishing the Decision of the Appeal`s Committee of the World Chess Championship Match Topalov-Kramnik to the Appeal of the Head of the Bulgarian Delegation Mr. Silvio Danailov English translation, dated 28 September 2006.

Read Decision of the Appeal in jpg format.

Read Decision of the Appeal in pdf format.

Russian version of the Decision for Russian speaking.

Elista, September 28th, 2006

Decision of the Appeals Committee to the appeal of Mr. Danailov

The Appeals Committee has received today an appeal from the Head of the Bulgarian Delegation, Mr. Danailov, regarding the use of the rest rooms and toilets during the match Topalov - Kramnik.

We have received from the Organizers part of the video recording of the rest room from games 1, 2 and 4 and the whole recording of game 3. There were technical problems that did not allow a full recording of the rest rooms where a partial recording was made available.

In the appeal there is an exaggeration of the number of times that Mr. Kramnik visited the toilet. Despite there being an unusual number of visits, this is insufficient on its own to come to a conclusion.

In order that the World Championship can continue running smoothly, the Appeals Committee has decided: (a) To close both the toilets in the players’ rest rooms and to open another toilet that will be available only to the two players.
(b) Not to accept the request of Mr. Danailov, to stop the use of the rest rooms by the players.
(c) The Appeals Committee believes that the publication of the videotapes to the mass media is not within our authority and we consider such action to be against the privacy of the players.
(d) The Appeals Committee will return the fee of USD 5,000 for the appeal to Mr. Danailov.

The Appeals Committee would like to thank the Organizing Committee for their cooperation and emphasize that thorough inspections, including rest rooms and toilets, are made prior to each game involving the Arbiters and representatives of both players’ delegations. Complete satisfaction has been expressed on all occasions.

Georgios Makropoulos

Jorge Vega

Zurab Azmaiparashvili



Quelle: FIDE




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