Elista: Zwischenstand der Verhandlungen

von ChessBase
01.10.2006 – Elista, 11.15. Auf der FIDE-Seite wurde in einer Presse-Erklärung ein Zwischenstand der bisherigen Verhandlungen veröffentlicht. Demnach wurde nach mehreren Verhandlungsrunden Einigkeit über die Toilettenfrage erzielt. Topalov und seine Delegation sind auf den Stand vor ihrem Protest zurück gekehrt. Die Toiletten werden vor jeder Partie einer besonders gründlichen Inspektion unterzogen. Außerdem ist das bisherige Appeals Committee freiwillig zurück getreten. Andere Punkte, wohl die Wertung der irregulären 5.Partien, seien zu diesem Zeitpunkt noch strittig. Können die offenen Fragen heute bis 13 Uhr beigelegt werden? Zur FIDE...Presseerklärung...

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Press-release WCC Match 2006

Elista, 1 October 2006


On 29-30 September 2006, in City Chess the FIDE President has held several rounds of negotiations with the representatives of the World Chess Championship match participants. Despite existing deep contradictions in the approaches for the settlement of the conflict situation, the parties have succeeded in reaching considerable progress.

Firstly, the issue of the bathrooms for the players has been solved. The team of V. Topalov has agreed for opening the bathrooms in the restrooms of the players. Also, an agreement has been reached that the players will be using the restrooms permanently assigned to each of them during the whole duration of the match. The both teams will be provided with a possibility of thorough inspection of the respective opponent’s bathroom.

Secondly, the members of the Match Appeals Committee with the aim of assisting to the FIDE President in finding a solution in this conflict situation and fully realizing the necessity to continue the match, have submitted a letter with their voluntary resignation to the FIDE President. The petition has been satisfied. Until the appointment of the new members and their arrival in Elista, the functions of the Appeals Committee will be performed by the FIDE President.

At the same time there is a continuation of the negotiations in respect of the issues, which have remained unsettled.

The FIDE President once again addresses both parties with an appeal to meet each other halfway in order to continue the match for the sake of the millions of chess fans who are impatiently waiting for the peaceful outcome of the conflict.



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