Französischer Schachverband rügt FIDE

von ChessBase
26.10.2006 – In einer Presseerklärung hat der Französische Schachverband die Vorgänge während des Weltmeisterschaftskampfes mißbilligt und die FIDE dafür verantwortlich gemacht. Ungeachtet des unberechtigten Protestes von Topalov, mit den die Ereignisse in Gang gesetzt wurden, die den Wettkampf an den Rand des Abbruches gebracht haben, hätte ein ausgewogen und kompetent besetztes Schiedsgericht dafür sorge tragen müssen, dass die "Bombe entschärft wird und nicht zur Explosion" gebracht werde. Dies sei ein weitere Beispiel für das fortgesetzte Missmanagement der FIDE mit zahlreiche kurzfristigen Absagen und Änderungen in den letzten Jahren. Auch die für September/Oktober 2006 geplanten Kandidatenwettkämpfe seien nun auf Unbestimmt verschoben seien, Etienne Bacrot habe deswegen auf zahlreiche Turniere verzichtet. FIDE-Präsident Kirsan Illymzhinov soll aus den Fehlern der Vergangenheit die Konsequenzen ziehen. Erklärung auf der Seite des FFE (franz.)...Presseerklärung (engl.)...

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October, 23th, 2006

The French Chess Federation has followed with great interest, but also with a strong feeling of disapproval, the events which have taken place in Elista (Russia), during the World Championship Unification match between Vladimir Kramnik and Veselin Topalov.

Even if it is clear that the first complaint made by Veselin Topalov was obviously outrageous and groundless, it should never have spoilt the course of the match as it ultimately did, leaving it on the border of a dead end.

By the way, we want to stress that the disaster could be avoided only because Vladimir Kramnik took upon himself to come back to the board with a forfeited white game against him, a gesture full of sportsmanship for which the chess world should be extremely grateful.

A competent and professional Appeal's Committee, accepted by both players beforehand, would have succeeded in defusing the bomb, instead of exploding it. Furthermore, it is not acceptable to have such a Commitee composed of FIDE officials, whose job is primarily to work on the development of chess.

There's no need to go into further details of the incidents which have scattered the World Championship match Kramnik-Topalov, as they are already well known by chess enthousiasts, but also, alas, by a larger audience. Chess didn't need such a bad publicity, and there are cases where no publicity at all is better than the "toilet garbage" we have witnessed.

We understand these unfortunate events in Elista as being syptomatic of FIDE malfunctioning. FIDE’s management has repeatedly proven, during these last years, its inability to organize top events properly. We have a long list of cancelled, aborted or distorted matches and tournaments, the latest example being the 8 Candidates matches of the current World Championship cycle, for which no organizers were found at the appropriate moment.

For instance, french top player Etienne Bacrot declined to play in tournaments to prepare for his Candidates match against Gata Kamsky, which was supposed to take place in september-october, and which has finally been postponed to “who knows when”.

Now that we have, at last, an undisputed World Chess Champion -Vladimir Kramnik - one thing is crystal clear, and still more obvious than ever : something has to be done before the image of chess is definitely damaged.

Our President Kirsan Iljumzhinov must draw a conclusion from all these failures.

The time has come to let professionnals take care of top level chess...





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