Kasparov spielt nicht im BGN-Kandidatenturnier in Dortmund 2002

von ChessBase
09.09.2001 – Gary Kasparov hat die Einladung von BrainGames zum Kandidatenturnier 2002 in Dortmund abgelehnt. In einer Presseerklärung lässt er seinen Manager Owen Williams dafür eine Reihe von Gründen angeben. Mehr...

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In seiner Presserklärung zu Kasparows Ablehnung der Einladung zum BGN Kandidatenturnier gibt Manager Owen Williams mehrere Gründe an. Zum Einen haben die Dortmunder Veranstalter laut Kasparov in der Frage des legitimen Weltmeisters über Jahre immer die Position der FIDE und nicht seine unterstützt. Zum Anderen seien von BGN (BrainGamesNetwork) die Frage der finanziellen Konditionen für einen WM-Kampf 2002 bisher nicht erläutert worden. Schließlich und endlich sieht Kasparov außerdem nur sich selbst, den Weltranglistenersten, als legitimen Herausforderer von Kramnik, hält also ein Kandidatenturnier für überflüssig.

Die Presseerklärung von Kasparovs Manager Owen Williams im Original:

BGN/Dortmund Event

September 6, 2001

Brain Games Network 
Attn: David Massey Via: maz451@aol.com

Dear David:

Garry Kasparov has little difficulty in turning down the BGN/Dortmund invitation.

BGN had an opportunity to offer him conditions in Nov. 2000 and did not bother to meet the deadline.

In 1995 the Dortmund Tournament organizers caused a great deal of harm to Kasparov when he was busy organizing his title defense against Anand. For years they stood firmly at the side of the FIDE position and acknowledged only Karpov as the World Champion. This despite Kasparov defeating Karpov for the title many times. This duplicity on the part of Dortmund raises a fascinating question: If Dortmund did not recognize Kasparov as the World Champion, how do they think Kramnik won the title?

The offer from BGN paid absolutely no attention to the financial terms discussed in 2000 between BGN and Kasparov. Worse still, the financial conditions for the title match in October 2002 are non-existent which is further evidence that every effort is being made to ensure that Kramnik does not have to face the world’s number one ranked player!

As we analyze the BGN offer, it is transparently calculated to obtain a quasi-legitimate challenger for Kramnik. Somebody ranked between # 4 and about #12 in the world. Let’s be blunt: no effort is being made to find the top challenger and this will haunt Kramnik as he searches for future respect.

Compare Kramnik's not-so-subtle avoidance of the top challenger with the actions of Garry Kasparov from 1985 to 2000 when he consistently played the strongest and most dangerous opponents. Three times against Karpov when nobody doubted that he was the best challenger. Then Nigel Short in 1993 after Short had beaten Karpov and won the right to play Kasparov. Then followed Anand, who nobody denied was the top challenger.

Then came Kramnik who was offered the challenge after #2 Anand turned down the opportunity for the relatively safe haven of FIDE. Kramnik then moved past Anand to the #2 ranking and was definitely the most dangerous opponent for Kasparov and the only top ten player in the world with an equal score against the world champion.

Kasparov could have offered the 2000 match to Shirov after he had beaten Kramnik in the qualifying match and who was still "the chess public’s popular choice." With a 9-0 winning record over Shirov, a lesser man than Kasparov would have chosen a safe match against Shirov. Kasparov, as a true Champion, did not take the easy path! This is not so in the case of the Kramnik-Dortmund "setup."

Now, the reality of this year is that Kasparov has won Wijk-aan-Zee 2001, won Linares 2001, won Astana 2001 with a last round classical chess victory over Kramnik. In the process he has increased his margin over Kramnik for the world’s number one ranking. In light of the foregoing for BGN and Kramnik not to voluntarily offer Kasparov a rematch is reprehensible and makes a mockery of a true World Championship, whose aim, after all is to find the World Champion.


Owen Williams Worldwide Agent for Garry Kasparov

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