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Auf einer Pressekonferenz am 28. Mai erhoben Metodi Stoinev, GM Kiril Georgiev und Simeon Stoichkov schwere Anschuldigungen gegen die Führung des bulgarischen Schachverbandes. Gemäß den Untersuchungen der bulgarischen Finanzaufsicht, so die drei bulgarischen Schachfreunde, hätte sich der bulgarische Verband, beziehungsweise seine Führung - Präsident des Verbandes ist Silvio Danailov, Exekutivdirektor Nikolai Velchev - vom bulgarischen Sportministerium im Laufe der letzten vier Jahre mit Hilfe einer in Delaware registrierten Offshore-Firma namens "European Chess Union LLC" Fördergelder erschwindelt und auf das Konto dieser Firma, deren Name dem Namen der Europäischen Schach Union mit Ausnahme des Zusatzes "LLC" haargenau gleicht überwiesen.
Zwei Open in Bulgarien seien auf eine Weise bezeichnet worden, dass der Eindruck entstanden sei, sie wären offizielle ECU-Turniere und deshalb müsse der bulgarische Verband Gebühren an die European Chess Union entrichten. Die entsprechenden Zahlungen sollen dann jeweils auf besagtes Konto der European Chess Union LLC gegangen sein. Insgesamt sollen im Verlauf von vier Jahren 1,5 Mio. Euro auf dieses Konto transferiert worden sein.
Die ECU hat in einer Presserklärung inzwischen allen ihren Mitgliedern mitgeteilt, dass sie nichts mit der "European Chess Union LLC" zu tun hat.
Nun hat das Präsidium des bulgarischen Verbandes auf die Anschuldigungen reagiert und die drei bulgarischen Schachfreunde mit einer umfangreichen Sperre belegt. Metodi Sotinev und Kiril Georgiev sind für drei Jahre, Simeon Stoichkov ist für fünf Jahre, von jeder Schach-Aktivität im Bereich des bulgarischen Schachverbandes ausgeschlossen, d.h. sie dürfen nicht an Turnieren teilnehmen, Turniere organisieren, einem Verein vorstehen, als Schiedsrichter tätig sein oder Training geben.
Als Begründung diese Maßnahme wird Rufschädigung und Sabotage der Arbeit des bulgarischen Verbandes und Diskreditierung seiner leitenden Personen durch unwahre, unbewiesene und diffamierende öffentliche Beschuldigungen angegeben. Bei dieser Gelegenheit kündigte Silvio Danaillov, bei der Schacholympiade in Tromsö als ECU-Präsident abgewählt, seine Kandidatur als FIDE-Präsident an.
Yesterday, 05.05.2015, at a meeting, the board of the Bulgarian Chess Federation decided:
1. In connection with the public deliberate, targeted, and coordinated actions and the statements made by Metodi Stoinev, Kiril Georgiev, and Simeon Stoichkov, aiming to undermine the prestige of the Bulgarian Chess Federation, sabotage of its activity and discrediting of its leaders via revealing publically untrue, unproven, and defamatory statements for corruption and misuse (at the press conference on 28.05.2015, social media, etc) as well as defamation of the Minister of Sport of Bulgaria and the Ministry of Sport, the board members BCF decided: to designate their actions as [...] violation of the ethics code of the federation.
As a result, from 05.06.2015, the board of BCF deprives of playing, arbitering, organizing, club managing, and coaching rights under the BCF system: Metodi Sotinev for 3 years, Kiril Georgiev for 3 years, and Simeon Stoichkov for 5 years.
2. The board of BCF supports the actions of its President and its Executive director (e.d. Silvio Danailov and Nikolai Velchev)
3. The board of BCF unanimously decided to back the nomination of Silvio Danailov for President of the World Chess Federation (FIDE) at the upcoming 2018 elections.
Nachdem die Entscheidung des Präsidiums des bulgarischen Verbandes bekannt wurde, kam es in der Schachwelt zu empörten Reaktionen. Emil Sutovsky, Vorsitzender der Spielerorganisation ACP, veröffentlichte folgende Erklärung:
“Bulgarian Chess Federation disqualifies the reigning champion of the country, the legend of Bulgarian chess Kiril Georgiev for three years! He is accused with the slander and violation of ethics code, following GM Georgiev’s public accusations towards the President of BCF Silvio Danailov. Now, I don’t think there is a need to talk about Mr. Danailov – his own twitter speaks volumes about this person. But what ACP could and should do in order to help its Premium Member Kiril Georgiev? First of all, we are not in the position to change or really challenge the decision of BCF, but we will address FIDE, asking to check the legitimacy of such a decision. Second, we’ll ask the organizers of international events to pay attention to the fact, that GM Georgiev is denied a possibility to play (and teach) in his own country, and we hope that the legend of Bulgarian chess will get more good invitations abroad. Finally, I’d like to emphasize again: the professional chess world has to be strong and united – thus the politicians of all kinds won’t be able to ruin a career or indeed the fate of the people who dedicated their entire life to chess.
ACP – with the chess professionals, for the chess professionals.”
GM Kiril Georgiev, lange Jahre der beste Spieler Bulgariens, mehrfacher und amtierende Landesmeister, wandte sich in einem Offenen Brief an den FIDE-Präsidenten Kirsan Ilyumzhinov und weist unter anderem darauf hin, dass die Entscheidung des bulgarischen Verbandes, bzw. seines Präsidiums, ohne jede Anhörung geschah, und dass im April schon Orlin Nikolov, Vizepräsident des Schachklubs Michail Botvinnik auf gleiche Weise sanktioniert wurde.
Die Sperre des bulgarischen Verbandes wurde zudem mit sofortiger Wirkung ausgesprochen, so dass Georgiev während der laufenden bulgarischen Mannschaftsmeisterschaften, vor der Schlussrunde, aus dem Turnier ausgeschlossen wurde.
To Mr Kirsan Ilyumzhinov
President of FIDE
Mr, Ilyumzhinov
In the last few months a number of facts and documents which charge the management of Bulgarian Chess Federation with financial abuse and forging of chess competitions became well-known.
On May 28th this year, me and my colleagues Metody Stoinev and the organizer of one of the biggest childrens chess competitions in country-Simeon Stoichkov have tried to acquaint the sports community with some of them. During a press conference, we quoted data and facts from a formal document of the Agency of country financial inspection which were asserted during the last check made by its representatives, and we took up a position that in 2014 at our sea resorts Albena and Golden sands have not been held chess competitions by the name of European Cup of classic chess for men and women about which the management of Bulgarian Chess Federation has presented claim to the Ministry of Youth and Sports and has received 447 thousand levs (approximately 225 thousand euro).
This is well-known by all chess players in the world. Such competitions didn't figure in the official calendar of European chess union. At the same time the traditional open tournaments in which me and Metody Stoinev played were held at these places. 35 chess players from all over the world took part in them and the tournament in Golden sands resort was even won by Axel Bachman (Paraguay).
Because of the fact that we have taken part in a press conference, have said a truth, we wanted to know why financial means have been diverted illegally, we were sanctioned without somebody to call us, to ask, to give us an opportunity to state our point of view, even to defend ourselves. Such thing cannot happen anywhere. Even those who are sentenced to death have the right of defence.
We are sanctioned on a meeting of Bulgarian Chess Federation held on June 5th this year and our sanction come into force from now. In this way we didn't have the opportunity to play in the last round of country team championship held on June 6th in the morning. I am six-times champion of Bulgaria, I have took part in 15 chess olympic games, more than 30 years I uphold the honour of my country in different chess competitions. And when I am about to celebrate my 50 - anniversary, I receive as a prize the worst punishment that can ever be put on a professional chess player-not to play chess.
Mr President, I beg you for your adequate and timely interference. I hope that in FIDE and ECU there are people who know that competitions named European Cup of classic chess for men and women in 2014 in Bulgaria have not been held. This is so easy to be proved. I beg you to ask the chairperson of rating commission of FIDE whether such tournaments have been processed or not. For all who have any grasp of chess that should be a clear evidence.
Are there any other evidence about their carrying out in the International Federation, about financial violations of the management of Bulgarian Chess Federation was approached the public prosecutor's office of republic of Bulgaria. A preliminary inquiry is conducted now in order to hinder Danailov and company who threaten and punish everyone who knows the truth. We are not the first sanctioned. On April 25th this year the vice-president of chess club” Michail Botvinnik’ -Orlin Nikolov-was also sanctioned.
Mr .Ilymzhinov, The truth can't be stopped with sanctions. We keep our word firmly because we haven't done any violation. But someone is affraid of the truth coming up on the surface. I hope for your fast and adequate reaction. We are going to seek redress in court but until it pronounce a sentence (a summer vacation is imminent) a lot of time will pass.
I hope that by your firm actions all attempts for falsification of chess competitions and using chess for personal benefits will be nipped in the bud. Sincerely yours,
Grandmaster Kiril Georgiev
Eine Berichterstattung über die Vorgänge im bulgarischen Schachverband ist dort nicht willkommen. Nach unserem neutral gehaltenen Bericht, in dem ohne Bewertung inhaltlich lediglich auf den bei Chessdom.com erschienenen Artikel zu diesem Thema verwiesen wurde, erhielt ChessBase Post vom Präsidenten des bulgarischen Schachverbandes Silvio Danailov. In seiner Mail teilte er seine Verärgerung über den Artikel mit, zog die bereits erteilte Zusage einer Übernahme der Liveübertragung der Partienotationen der bulgarischen Mannschaftsmeisterschaft wieder zurück und drohte mit rechtlichen Schritten.
Bulgarian Chess Federation responds to criticism with bans...