Offener Brief von Kramnik

von ChessBase
29.09.2006 – In einem offenen Brief an FIDE Präsident Ilyumshinov hat Carsten Hensel die Position von Valdimir Kramnik deutlich gemacht. Demnach war der Toiletten-Protest von Topalov nicht fristgemäß eingereicht und durfte somit nicht verhandelt werden. Zudem bezog er sich auf die Spielbedingungen, die laut Vertrag nicht per Protest nachträglich zu ändern sind. Der Beginn der Partie 5 unter diesen Umständen sei somit unzulässig gewesen. Das Ergebnis sei gegenstandslos. Bei Anerkennung werde Kramnik den Wettkampf mit Partie 5 morgen fortsetzen. Des Weiteren werden die Forderungen des ersten offenen Briefes erneuert. Zudem fordert Kramnik eine Entschuldigung für Danailovs beleidigende Äußerungen in dessen gestrigen Protest. Text...

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Open Letter

FIDE President
Kirsan Iljumshinov
Russian Chess Federation

Elista, 29. September 2006


Requests of Vladimir Kramnik

·    To proceed with GAME 5

Clause 3.17.1., Schedule 2 of the contract:

 “All protests must be submitted in writing to the Appeals Committee not more than 2 hours after the relevant playing session.” 

The protest made by the Topalov Team were not made within this window after game 4 (27 September 2006) but only hitted the FIDE Office and the  Appeals Committee on the restday (28 September 2006). Therefore the protests are not even relevant and should have been rejected by the Appeals Committee immediately.

Clause 3.18.3., Schedule 2 of the contract:

“After the World Chess Championship Committee agrees with the Organizers on the arrangements in respect of the tournament hall, facilities etc. etc. etc……., no objections from the participants shall be acceptable as long as the conditions are in accordance with the rights of the players granted in their agreements.”

This clause clearly underlines the statement made in today’s Open letter:

“By starting the match both participants agreed all the playing conditions de facto and de jure and the conditions are therefore legally binding. Any change of the playing conditions without a good reason would in our understanding request the approval of both players which is not the case here.”  

Therefore it is clear that the Appeals Committee did a completely wrong decision and was obviously not even aware of the Rules and Regulations. The decision of Chief Arbiter Mr. Gijssen to forfeit game 5 was clearly based on a wrong decision of the Appeals Committee and shall be nullified.

Mr. Kramnik is ready to continue the match and to play the 5th game (by a leading score of 3:1) on the conditions that were accepted prior to the start of the match.

Toilet issue

The toilets connected to the restrooms shall be opened again. This request is in accordance with clauses 3.17.1. and 3.18.3 (see above) and in the general understanding that by starting of the match both participants agreed to all the playing conditions. Any change of the playing conditions without a good reason would request the approval of both players which is not the case here.

Mr. Kramnik is ready to accept even stricter controls by sealing the toilets before and after inspections. Inspections shall be done before and after each game.

Exchange of members of the Appeals Committee

We repeat that the Kramnik team does not trust the objectivity of the Appeals Committee anymore. It is evident from this letter and our first Open Letter today that the existing Appeals Committee is biased and incompetent. Mr. Kramnik strongly insists once again that the members of the Appeals Committee will be exchanged immediately.

Access to Recordings

As Mr. Kramnik in the press conference stated he did not sign the contract for acting in a reality show. The recordings shall be observed by the arbiters. Neither Team Topalov nor Team Kramnik shall have access to the recordings. Investigations shall be in the sole responsibility of the Arbiters.

Requested Apology

Last but not least Mr. Kramnik believes that Mr. Danailov should apologize to Mr. Kramnik in writing. Remarks such as:

If the match were to continue, the World Champion will refrain from shaking hands with Mr. Kramnik before the games and will not take part in joint press conferences with him.” and “Veselin Topalov is disturbed by the suspicious behavior of his opponent Mr. Vladimir Kramnik who takes his most significant decisions in the bathroom.” are clearly insulting.

On behalf of Vladimir Kramnik

Yours sincerely,
Carsten Hensel
(Manager to Vladimir Kramnik, Classical World Chess Champion) 

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