Offener Brief von Vladimir Kramnik

von ChessBase
10.10.2006 – In einem offenen Brief, der an den FIDE-Präsidenten Ilyumshinov und an den Vorsitzenden des Exekutivkomitees Bovaev gerichtet ist, hat Kramnik heute, kurz vor Beginn der 11. Partie, seinen Standpunkt noch einmal deutlich gemacht. Er verweist darauf, dass er alle Partien, die nach der kampflos für Topalov gewerteten fünften Partie, einschließlich eines eventuellen Stichkampfes, nur unter Protest spielt. Sollte das Ergebnis der fünften Partie einen Einfluss auf das Ergebnis des Wettkampfes haben, werde er Topalov nicht als Weltmeister anerkennen und nach dem Wettkampf rechtliche Schritte gegen die FIDE unternehmen. Als Zeichen guten Willens schlägt Kramnik vor, die fünfte Partie nach der zwölften Partie nachzuholen. Offizielle Webseite von Kramnik...Text...

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Open Letter

FIDE President
H.E. Kirsan Illyumzhinov 

Head of the 2006 Executive Committee
Mr. Valery Bovaev

Dear Mr President, Gentlemen,

Having received innumerable published and unpublished inquiries I would like to clarify, in the name of Vladimir Kramnik and his team, our position in the decision taken by FIDE regarding the fifth game of the current World Championship match. 

1.      As you know Vladimir Kramnik is playing the current match under protest. Nothing has changed in our attitude, which is documented by Kramnik’s actions around the fifth game and our statements, protests and letters:

2.      Consistent with this standpoint Vladimir Kramnik will be playing this match, including a possible tiebreak, up to the last move under protest.

3.      Should the decision of FIDE regarding the fifth game have any influence on the awarding of the World Championship title, with Mr Topalov receiving the title after being granted a free point for the unplayed game, Mr Kramnik declares unequivocally: “I will not recognize Mr Topalov as World Champion under these conditions, and I will take legal action against FIDE at the end of the World Championship.”

4.      The damage done to Mr Kramnik in public opinion (e.g. the slander campaign) after the illegal release of private video images by the then FIDE Appeals Committee or the WCC 2006 Executive Committee to the Topalov team, and the subsequent release of these video images and private information of Mr Kramnik in his restroom to the mass media, as well as the interruption of the match, which broke Mr Kramnik’s concentration and playing rhythm, will all be part of the legal action which will be initiated.

5.      As a sign of good will Mr Kramnik once again requests FIDE to arrange for game five to be played out on the board immediately after game 12. This in our opinion is the only way to alleviate the personal, sporting, judicial and ethical injuries that have been incurred by Mr Kramnik.  

Elista, October 10, 2006

On behalf of Vladimir Kramnik                   

Yours sincerely

Carsten Hensel
(Manager to Vladimir Kramnik, Classical World Chess Champion)





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