Pressekonferenz nach der 6. Partie

von ChessBase
04.10.2006 – Nachdem der Wettkampf in Elista am vergangenen Wochenende kurz vor dem Abbruch stand, fand die sechste Partie zwischen Topalov und Kramnik überraschenderweise dann doch statt. Auch die folgende Pressekonferenz wurde dann doch entgegen der Ankündigung von Topalovs Manager Danailov von beiden Spielern bestritten. Neben dem Partieverlauf der 6. Partie waren dort auch die Remisangebote von Kramnik in den Partien zuvor ein Thema. Über diese hatte sich Topalov geärgert, Kramnik fand nichts Ungewöhnliches daran. Zur FIDE...Pressekonferenz (engl.)...

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Transcription of the Press Conference after game six

The press conference after the Game 6 was greatly anticipated. The match has continued, Topalov shook hands with Kramnik, and the latter easily made a draw, playing black. In addition, FIDE President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov took a seat between the players, saying: "Dear Vladimir, dear Veselin, on behalf of the FIDE leadership and millions of chess fans all over the world, let me express great gratitude for you for coming to this game and resuming the World Chess Championship match! Thank you for your courageous decision!" After this introduction there were questions to the players.

Veselin, one of the statements issued by your team asserted that you will not shake hands with Vladimir and will not participate in joint press conferences…

Veselin Topalov: Perhaps it sounded too emotional; it is nothing for me to be proud of. I shook hands with Kramnik, and the match continued. I believe that his play is fair, and my decision to continue the match proves it. We are humans, and sometimes we make mistakes.

So you agree that you flew into a passion?

Topalov: Yes, clearly.

You played so quickly at the start of the game… Is that because you missed chess too much?

Vladimir Kramnik: I think I was prepared for this game quite well. As for the speed… yes, I missed chess – for a last couple of days I was busy with other things that distracted me from chess.

Topalov: This was just a casual opening, a well-developed line. Of course, one can spend an hour on playing them, but isn’t it better to play the known moves in a minute without wasting time?

A question to Mr. Kramnik. Vladimir, what is the match score after today’s game?

Kramnik: I published an official protest. I consider the decision taken by the Appeals Committee illegal. I do not think I lost in the Game 5. The decision regarding this problem is delayed, and my further steps depend on it. If the Appeals Committee decides to replay the game (which is legally and morally correct), I will continue the match unconditionally. Otherwise, I will consult my lawyers…

Vladimir, when exactly you found out about the decision to continue the match from the Game 6?

Kramnik: Yesterday in the evening, like everybody else.

– A question to FIDE President. Kirsan Nikolayevich, when the Appeals Committee will review Kramnik’s appeal, and can you tell us the names of its new members?
K.I.: New Appeals Committee consists of ECU President Boris Kutin, International Arbiter from Azerbaijan Faik Gasanov, and Continental President of Latin America Jorge Vega. The appeal was received at 14.30, and now it undergoes formal procedures.

When did you decide to play today’s game?

Kramnik: It was a very tough choice. To be honest, for a long time I intended to ignore this game, which would mean the end of the match. However, after lengthy consideration I decided against abandoning the match, feeling uncomfortable in the face of chess community. I still hope for positive result of my appeal.

Will you keep playing, if you appeal is declined?

Kramnik: The only thing I know for certain is that I will sue FIDE in this case. I will have to consult my lawyers to decide whether I should continue the match.

A question to both players. To what extent all the preceding debates influenced the play?

Kramnik: Today’s game was not very exciting. We spent all our energy on non-chess struggle. No, I am kidding. Of course, it is better to play after a rest day, when one is calm. Playing today was a bit difficult for both of us.

Topalov: It was easier for me in this sense, because my manager Silvio Danailov handles almost all the negotiations. Therefore I got tired of resting, and really wanted to return to the board and play a good game. Alas, this game turned the least exciting in the match, but this wasn’t done on purpose.

Vladimir, who offered a draw today?

Kramnik: Veselin.

And what about the 4th game, when your position on the move 20 was rather unpleasant?

Kramnik: I offered a draw in that game, because I considered the position equal. Offering draws in my business, so to speak, and it is up to Veselin to decline or accept the offer. In today’s game everything was exchanged automatically.

And another question about the 4th game. Is it gentlemanly to offer a draw on the move 20 when playing black, with the match score being 2-0? Or it was a psychological move?

Kramnik: It had nothing to do with psychology. Who cares about 2-0?! The position was approximately equal, so there is nothing unethical about my offer. If one considers it unethical, then how to assess the actions of the other party? It is difficult to find the right words…

Kirsan Nikolayevich, yesterday you said that if the match goes on, one of the players will become a hero. Do you consider Vladimir’s decision heroic, and when he will be awarded a Hero of Kalmykia?

Ilyumzhinov: You know, the situation on Friday night demanded some immediate action, and the ball was on my side. I did all I could: changed the Appeals Committee, and settled the issue with bathrooms… The process started. After that it was the players’ move. Veselin or Vladimir – on of them had to yield. 3-1or 3-2? Vladimir yielded (we only have to deal with his appeal about the 5th game). I express gratitude to him on behalf of the entire chess.



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