Spanien empört

von ChessBase
02.03.2005 – Auf ihrer Präsidiumssitzung am letzten Wochenende in Tiflis hat die FIDE eine Erklärung verabschiedet, in der der spanische Verband gerügt wurde. Ohne dass die Gründe dafür genannt wurden, ist offensichtlich, dass dies als Reaktion auf die Vorfälle während der Schacholympiade in Calvia zu sehen ist. Der Spanische Verband hat umgehend mit einer Stellungsnahme geantwortet. Die spanische Presse (FEDA) reagierte auf die Erklärung der FIDE empört. Reaktion der spanischen Presse...Presseerklärung der FEDA...

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With regard to the press release dated February 27th 2.005 emitted at Tbilisi (Georgia) by the INTERNATIONAL CHESS FEDERATION (FIDE), the SPANISH CHESS FEDERATION (FEDA) would like to make the following clarifications:    

        1. Since 1.998, the FEDA Directive Board, under the leadership of the current President, has organised the following FIDE and ECU (European Chess Union) official Events:  

-         20 World Youth Championships (sub 10, sub 12, sub 14, sub 16 and sub 18) in 1.998, 1.999, 2.000 and 2.001 at Oropesa del Mar (Castellón).

-         5 European Youth Championships (sub 10, sub 12, sub 14, sub 16 and sub 18) in 2.002 at Peñíscola (Castellón).

-         1 European Under 20 Championship in 2.000 at Aviles (Asturias).

-         1 European National Team Championship in 2.001 at Leon.

-         Culminating with the 36th Chess Olympiad (the equivalent the World National Team Championship) in 2.004 at Calviá (Balearic Islands).

2.- The organising capacity of both the FEDA and other private entities that have collaborated in the management of these events has been clearly demonstrated. We have received many praises, both from participants, arbiters, and directives and, in definite, from the delegations of the countries that have visited us. Proof of this is that during the different sessions of the FIDE General Assembly (the body that adjudicates FIDE international events) most of the events that the FEDA has asked for, if not practically all of them, have been admitted.

3. - If we take into account the general opinion of the participating delegations, the 36th Chess Olympiad, held in Calviá, has not been an exception. Frankly, the FEDA is very satisfied with the work of the Organising Committee, and we would like to thank them again for their efficient professional fulfilment. We are also very pleased with the development of the event, with the exception of the attitude of certain FIDE directives. When these persons found out that certain extravagant and privileged wishes (published in the mass media) would not be provided by the organisation, they decided to adopt a boycott attitude . This attitude

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