The SPICE Cup (Susan Polgar
Institute for Chess Excellence)
Texas Tech University in Lubbock, 28.10. bis 7.11.2010
Offizieller Endstand nach Dreipunkteregel::
1. GM Onischuk 18.0 +3
2. GM Meier 17 points +3
3-4. GM Almasi (+2), GM So (+1) 14.0
5-6. GM Robson, GM Perelshteyn 7.0
Auf der
Abschlussparty beschäftige Susan Polgar ihre Gäste mit einem kleinen Schachquiz:
SPICE Cup 2010 Quiz
1. Is this the 3rd, 4th, or 5th SPICE Cup?
A) 3rd B) 4th C) 5th
2. Who won the Women’s Chess Olympiad in Khanty-Mansysk?
A) China B) Ukraine C) Russia D) Other
3. November 2nd is the birthday of which Polgar sister?
A) Susan B) Sofia C) Judit
4. The 2012 Chess Olympiad will be held in:
A) Tromsø B) Istanbul C) Albena D) Elista
5. Yasser Seirawan was born in…...?
6. Who was the World Champion in 1968?
7. Who won the 2009 U.S. Championship?
8. How many players representing Russia are there in the Top 10 of November FIDE
(active) rating list?
9. Who is older Magnus Carlsen or Karjakin?
10. What year was the first Fischer – Spassky match held?
11. What real-life grandmaster's life was the musical “Chess” based on?
A) Karpov B) Kasparov C) Korchnoi D) Spassky
12. In what state was Paul Morphy raised?
A) Louisiana B) Pennsylvania C) New York D) North Carolina
13. Who was the second youngest World Chess Champion?
14. Who broke Bobby Fischer’s long standing record to become the youngest GM (in
15. Which year did Gary Kasparov lose to Deep Blue?
16. Which Israeli player won the 1996 World Junior?
17. Starting 1990, how many World Junior Championships were won by U.S. players?
18. Which famous actor said “I failed to make the chess team because of my
19. Which World Champion said: “When you see a good move, look for a better one”?
20. Which famous person said: “Life is a kind of Chess, with struggle,
competition, good and ill events”?
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