Neue Blüten im Königsinder

von ChessBase
02.02.2007 – Meister machen Mode. So ist das oft auch im Schach. Als Kasparov vor fast 10 Jahren gegen Kramnik schlechte Erfahrungen mit seinem Königsinder machte und diesen danach ad acta legte, sah man die Eröffnung lange Zeit nur noch selten auf Top-Turnieren. Aber die Mode ist ein launischer Hund. Heute gibt es neue, junge Spitzenspieler, die mit dem Königsinder große Erfolge feiern. Jüngstes Beispiel ist Radjabovs Ergebnis in Wijk: In seinen vier Schwarzpartien mit dem Königsinder gewann er gegen Van Wely, Shirov und Motylev, und nur gegen Weltmeister Kramnik willigte er in gut spielbarer Stellung ins Remis ein. Überhaupt spricht manches dafür, dass Königsindisch bald wieder voll im Trend liegen könnte. Zum Beispiel Kasimdzhanovs neue DVD "A World champion's guide to the King's Indian". Der FIDE-Weltmeister von 2004 hat selbst viele erfolgreiche Schlachten mit dem Königsinder geschlagen und bietet mit seiner DVD einen fesselnden, über dreistündigen Trainingskurs auf höchstem Niveau. Bob Long führt in seiner Rezension eine ganze Liste von Argumenten dafür an, dass es sich bei Kasimdzhanovs DVD um die beste ihrer Art überhaupt handelt. "A World champion's guide to the King's Indian" im Shop kaufen...Rezension lesen (englisch)...

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Maybe the best openings DVD ever!?
Bob Long

Hallelujah! What a DVD. Former FIDE world champion Rustam Kasimdzhanov lays it all on the line. Let’s go through a list of winning attributes:

1. His English speaking and understanding of idiomatic language is unbelievable! Sometimes he sounds slightly sing-songy as he changes inflection due to enthusiasm, but when he gets down to business, he is business and he doesn’t say one thing and mean something else. His expressions and understanding of our language is top drawer.

2. This guy was touted by one such as Kasparov as being world championship caliber (he beat, in succession: Ivanchuk, Grischuk, Topalov, and Adams) on the way to the world chess championship title..

3. He explains the rigors of knock out matches and how important it is to win with black in the first game of the first round (he has lots of insights like this throughout the 3 hr and 25 min. DVD.)

4. And here’s the part I like most: he is UPBEAT on the King’s Indian and even tells a delightful story about Petrosian feeding his family for years off of the white side of the King’s Indian. Then, as he played Fischer in 1970 at the USSR vs. the rest of the world match, he opened with 1. c4 and when Fischer replied 1… g6, he gave Fischer’s move an exclam and then the Tiger went on to lose. He was no longer feeding his family from the white side of the King’s Indian. I’ll explain more in part 5… next.

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5. Rustam “believes” that White has been engaging in a propaganda war against Black’s KID play, just so that Black won’t play it! This doesn’t work for Kasimdzhanov… he’ll play the KID no matter what you say or play, and he has the wins he illustrates to prove it.

6. He is his own man and understands the KID deeply and still finds new ideas for Black. He is also a lightning fast thinker and excels in speed and rapid chess. He still does. He’s funny and profound. He tackles a couple games on the “bayonet” variation joking that he doesn’t know (or care) where that name came from.

7. He annotates a number of games on the classical, g3, Saemisch, b4 (Bayonet) and gives us a classic Letelier-Fischer game (with a great Q sac). There’s more, but I am doing this off the top of my head. He also has a “lecture” (as he calls them) on pawn structure. He tells great stories too.

8. He would like to do another ChessBase DVD on the King’s Indian and I would like him to do this also. This man is good and I will give you one more reason why you should get this DVD:

9. He doesn’t believe the KID is played out. He doesn’t believe White has such an advantage that Black should give up. He believes there are some “unorthodox” systems still available to Black and he shows one where he (Black) holds up his attack on the K-side to go over to the Q-side and scare the pants off of White. He’s what I said “exists” a long time ago—the discoverer of the new and hearty and who doesn’t listen to the weaker GMs making pronouncements he doesn’t believe as he goes his own way and continues to win. I am sure many White opponents are not crazy about facing an inventor who is similar to Bronstein in his younger days.

I’ve seen videos and DVDs on the King’s Indian and I’ve read books on it. In one sitting you will get more out of this DVD in terms of reasons why, structures, tactics, and reality than any place else I have seen. It’s like a course in the King’s Indian for those who know something about the KID but not nearly as much as they should. When he gets stymied in one place, he goes somewhere else, and then comes back to bop his opponent over the head. He has belief in his prowess and I’m sure his opponents believe it too.



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