Offener Brief von Kirsan Ilyumshinov

von ChessBase
29.09.2006 – In einem offenen Brief hat FIDE-Präsident Kirsan Ilyumzhinov auf Kramniks Protest geantwortet und darin den Mitgliedern des Appeals Committees sein Vertrauen ausgesprochen und die Entscheidung des Schiedsgerichtes in bezug auf den Anruf von Topalov unterstützt. Ilyumshinov fordert Kramnik auf, den Wettkampf fortzusetzen. Brief des Präsidenten...

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Open Letter of FIDE President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov to Vladimir Kramnik

Sochi, 29 September 2006

GM V. Kramnik

Dear Vladimir,

I am currently in Sochi, at meeting of meeting of the Heads of the Regions of the South Russian Region of the Russian Federation led by the President of Russia V. Putin.

I have carefully read your open letter of today addressed to me, and I hereby inform you of my full trust in the members of the Match Appeals Committee and their latest decision taken in respect of the appeal of Topalov’s team dated 28 September 2006.

I am also asking you in good faith to continue your participation in this match for the sake of the principles of our sport and prevention of the destruction of our long-sought efforts to organize this World Championship match, which is of utter importance for the whole world.

Millions of chess fans in the whole world are following this match with great interest and are looking forward for the just outcome produced over the chessboard and not from exchanging open letters which we are receiving from both teams. The Republic of Kalmykia and me personally as well as the Russian Chess Federation with its President, Mr. A. Zhukov have done our best in order to secure excellent conditions for the both participants. Therefore, I am kindly asking you to respect all these steps taken towards the smooth organization of the event.

Yours sincerely, Kirsan Ilyumzhinov President


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