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27.07.2005 – Auf dem FIDE-Kongress, der 2006 im Rahmen der Schacholympiade in Turin durchgeführt wird, steht u.a. anderem die Wahl des FIDE-Präsidiums auf dem Programm. In einem Interview hat Anatoly Karpov kürzlich erklärt, als Gegenkandidat zum amtierenden Präsidenten Kirsan Illymshinov antreten zu wollen, hat die Politik des amtierenden Präsidenten und seines Präsidiums scharf kritisiert und gegen einige Mitglieder des Präsidiums teils schwere Vorwürfe erhoben. Nun haben die Fidel-Vizepräsidenten Georgios Makropoulos und Zurab Asmaiparashvili Entgegnungen auf Karpovs Aussagen veröffentlicht. Interview mit Anatoly Karpov... Antwort der FIDE durch Georgios Makropoulos (engl)...Antwort von Zurab Asmaiparashvili (engl.)...

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ChessBase ist die persönliche Schach-Datenbank, die weltweit zum Standard geworden ist. Und zwar für alle, die Spaß am Schach haben und auch in Zukunft erfolgreich mitspielen wollen. Das gilt für den Weltmeister ebenso wie für den Vereinsspieler oder den Schachfreund von nebenan


For me, the Karpov's interview on Chessbase was not a surprise as I am very well aware of the ungratefulness of his human nature.

Unfortunately, the language one of the outstanding World Chess Champions has been using, came as a surprise for me and not only me, as ordinary people know and respect chess as a wise game, which improves intellectual potential of a person.

I have mentioned that one should not expect any gratitude from Karpov to Ilyumzhinov, for everything the latter had done for him. At least one would think, we should expect some respect to a person who has been doing his utmost to support chess during the last decade, with a sizeable, multimillion share for him, Mr. Karpov. This is not a matter of culture, this is a matter of education.

There are ongoing rumours that Mr. Karpov is aiming at the office of the FIDE President. The motivation is supreme: to defend the interests of chess and chess players. Wonderful, but just a moment! I have a couple of small questions to my double colleague.

1. How would Mr. Karpov explain his attacks against me, if he does not know the core of the matter? In Calvia I was defending the interests of my colleagues, the chess players, who were undeservedly hurt and humiliated: women's team of Russia, who were not called to the stage for the awards; a live legend Nona Gaprindashvili; Zsuzsa Polgar and Baadur Jobava, who were best in performance; a captain of the USA's women's team Mr. Truong, who did not receive all medals. All these people are safe and sound, and if Mr. Karpov has some doubts about my words, he could make some inquiries from them. Otherwise, I expect an official apologies from Mr. Karpov, especially in the light of the recent verdict of the court in Calvia, which announced that I am totally innocent.

2. Mr. Karpov, 2 years ago, at he Benidorm tournament, has openly labelled all the tournament participants, Anand, Topalov, Polgar, Radjabov, Karjakin, etc. as idiots, because they did not agree with his opinion. The Tournament Organiser, who was following the regulations, and Chief Arbiter excluded Mr. Karpov from the list. After this he used all his influence to abolish this wonderful event. After 2003 this tournament stopped functioning. Bravo, Anatoly Evgenievich, you are a really influential person! My question is as follows: in your capacity as FIDE President, would you also use all your influence to abolish the unwanted tournaments and punish the Organisers who do not obey to you?

This is Anatoly Karpov for the people who don't know him. An excellent chessplayer who never earned the respect of his colleagues because of his behaviour.

Now he is dreaming of becoming FIDE President with the support, as he says, of ECU and its 53 European Federations. Did he consult the Presidential Board of ECU or at least its President, Mr Boris Kutin for such a matter? Did he ask for the opinion of the European Federations?

Anatoly is mostly searching for business opportunities. With the sponsors who can support his campaign, his federation and possibly with Ilyumzhinov! Even if he doesn't get elected, he will surely make a little something for himself. If he is also so fortunate to get elected, he hopes to expand his business throughout the world by using FIDE.

That's why he is talking now about people who are "plundering" FIDE. Because, based on his own character, he cannot possibly imagine that someone can be leading an international federation without "plundering" it.

Unfortunately for Karpov, his history is well-known and published everywhere. The match he never played against Fischer, the way he beat Korchnoi, the involvement of the Soviet mechanism in his first match against Kasparov, his becoming World Champion in 93 after having lost to Short in the semifinals etc. And fortunately for chess, it is the representatives of the National Federations (backed by their chessplayers) who will decide if they should vote for Karpov as FIDE President.

GM Zurab Azmaiparashvili

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